Helping Organizations Create, Develop and Build Cultures of Respect

Collaborating with Respect

Collaborating with Respect

How willing are you to collaborate with someone who is egocentric, judgmental, condescending and who refuses to listen? If you’re like most of us, the answer is “Not at all.” Yet collaboration has become increasingly important to achieve personal and professional success in today’s business climate. Collaborating with Respect is a program that helps participants to self-evaluate and adapt and teaches skills to work effectively with others – including colleagues at all levels, customers, community partners, friends and family.

Traditional, hierarchical management practices have been replaced in companies that strive to remain relevant. Today more and more of us are working in groups or teams and collaborating with peers and leaders. There is a demand to do more with less and organizations have changed how they approach projects, especially complex ones that require a variety of skill sets and creative thinking to come up with remarkable solutions.

Coaching was critical in causing me to think more strategically. Dennis has been a tremendous help to me professionally, especially during a transition to greater responsibilities in our company, eventually becoming the president. Dennis' coaching was critical in causing me to think more strategically, focusing on building trust and respect with my colleagues and clients. As a result of his coaching, I became engaged with my employees and other management, resulting in a cohesive team with increased synergies and effectiveness.  

Coaching was critical,

The good news is that the skills necessary for collaboration can be taught. Effective collaboration is built on empathy, respect, effective communication and trust. This practical, no nonsense program helps participants learn to:

•    Set clear goals and responsibilities
•    Manage egos and personalities
•    Become self-aware
•    Set ground rules to keep on track, establish norms and maintain positive intent
•    Deal with disagreements or conflict openly and constructively
•    Strive for effective communication
•    Value and appreciate all partners
•    Share power
•    Demonstrate genuine interest and empathy

Creating a super relationship environment where colleagues and clients alike feel accepted and never judged builds trust and establishes a foundation of respect that is the segue to genuine collaboration. This program is designed to strengthen individual and collective performance.

"The Chair Leadership program is essential for any new leaders with no previous leadership training. Dennis Morris helped me to build respectful, trusting relationships and effective communication within my department, and to lead with my principles. He taught me the importance of encouragement, support, and appreciation of the accomplishments of my colleagues. I am also practicing what I learned about how to approach problem solving by involving and actively listening to all stakeholders, understanding and analyzing their concerns, and effectively constructing arguments to reach solutions. Working with other new chairs in the program promoted shared learning. We all came with different personalities, strengths, and problems and Dennis Morris guided our explorations of this diversity to strengthen all of our leadership skills and tools. He is a master at teaching by example, promoting skill-building, and empowering new chairs to lead with effectiveness and integrity."

Program promoted shared learning,
Professor and Chair of Anthropology